Category Archives: Latest News

Independence Day celebrations at Bodakdev School

Bodakdev School celebrated the 73rd Independence Day at the campus. Our little ones from Playgroup (Early Child Care) came dressed in their favourite greens and oranges and coloured the National Flag. The toddlers from Junior and Senior held a special assembly in the school. Students spoke about the Quit India movement, Swadeshi movement and the Dandi March.

Senior section children had prepared a few lines on each freedom fighter and shared their contribution in the freedom struggle. They spoke on eminent leaders like Laxmi bai, Subhash Chandra Bose, Mahatma Gandhi and Bhagat Singh. This assembly evoked the sense of patriotism in our little ones and the love for our motherland –India

National Sports Day


Tiny tots of Bodakdev School celebrated National Sports Day on the campus. The little ones were engaged in age-appropriate activities and were encouraged to indulge in activities related to sports on a daily basis. As more and more Indian Sports players are bringing laurels for the country, we feel that the awareness should be created from this tender age.
Toddlers of Nursery were engaged in ‘Walk Kiddies’; ‘Run, Pick and Place’ games while children from Junior Section and Senior Section were engaged in ‘Walk on the Beam’ and ‘Loco Circuit’ games. Along with the celebrations in the school, educators motivated children to spend quality time in the evening playing in the park or garden for physical fitness. 


Janmashtami Celebrations

Tiny tots of all classes came in their colourful costumes. Girls wore beautiful and colourful chaniya cholis, while the boys wore traditional Kurta Pyjamas. The event was organised on a large scale this year and parents were involved too. The Nursery section hosted the event this year.
The celebrations began with the prayer and an aarti. A skit on ‘Lord Krishna and Kaliya the Snake’ was performed by the students of Nursery. This mythological story enhanced the knowledge of our students on the adventurous life the famous and beloved Lord Krishna.


100th day of School

Tiny tots of our school celebrated a new milestone in school today as they have completed their 100 days of this academic year. A 100 shaped door welcomed the little ones in the school. The last 100 days have made our children wiser, smarter and confident due to the plethora of age-appropriate learning activities in the school. Today the nursery toddlers got acquainted with the number 100 and Playgroup (Early Child Care) children were engaged with a fitness activity based on the same theme. Similarly, Junior section children too were engrossed in their activities related to the topic.

Senior section children enjoyed their unique 100 worksheets in which they wrote their 100 wishes, 100 favorite places. It was indeed a day of fun and learning for our tiny tots in the school.

School Opens New Clinic

We are glad to announce the opening of our homeopathy clinic on the campus. Shri G.K. Choksi inaugurated the clinic. He is the founder of the largest homeopathy clinic chain- Anubhuti Homeopathy in Gujarat. The other dignitaries present at the inauguration were Mrs ShefaliChoksi, Mr MananChoksi (Executive Director of BSFC), Mrs Villoo Parikh, Director, Mr Pranav Pandya, Administrative Manager and Ms AmoliPatell, Vice-Principal of the school.

The safe and side-effect free Homeopathy medicines shall be provided free of cost to the students as well as the staff. A certified doctor shall be available on the campus during the school hours. Parents can also avail the facility by paying a nominal charge.

Apart from the regular cough and cold medicines, children will be given medication for physiological ailments, psychosomatic diseases like bed-wetting, separation anxiety, attention deficiency disorder etc. As the clinic is in school, children can continue their treatment for a more extended period.

VIBGYOR Splash Day

Children of Bodakdev School welcomed the rain gods in the city by celebrating VIBGYOR Splash Day in the school. They came dressed according to the theme; some of them carried colourful umbrellas to school while others were dressed as peacocks or clouds. With the perfect weather, this celebration was apt as the children got to know everything related to the rains and rainbow. Playgroup (Early Child Care) children sang ‘Row Row your boat’ and floated their paper boats in the splash pool. They also took part in balloon dabbing activity. Tiny tots of Nursery splashed different colours on the floor to observe the mixing of the colours.

Students of Junior KG came dressed as farmers, clouds, rainbow and frogs and provided adequate, relevant information to their friends. The entire school was vibrant with rainbow colours, and our toddlers enjoyed the age-appropriate activities in the school. Children even made rainbow crafts themselves and took them home with a story to describe the ‘Magical Monsoon’ experience in school.

Visit to Khoj Museum

Khoj Museum is the only children’s museum in India. This museum is a joint initiative with Zoom Kinder Museum, Vienna. A visit was organised for the toddlers of Bodakdev School for Khoj Museum. The little darlings with their teachers hopped on to their school buses for this special visit. On entering the museum, they were taken to the Bubble Exhibits in the museum. Their visit was filled with experiments, demonstrations, activities and competitions related to bubbles. The little ones got busy making bubbles, bubble walls and in their bubble race. Some of them created bubble hurricanes, bouncing and floating bubbles and they also froze bubbles using dry ice. All our toddlers thoroughly enjoyed this edutainment field visit.

Love Your Greens Activity

In the current scenario wherein children make their food choices by watching advertisements on televisions, it is essential to make them aware of healthy food and unhealthy food. Recently teachers conducted a session on Vegetables and its importance in the daily diet for senior section.

The children were shown the variety of vegetables which are available in the market through a class demonstration. The health benefits were explained to them. In the end, they were told to segregate veggies according to their shapes and sizes. With this activity, we hope that our little ones will feel motivated to increase the consumption of greens in their daily diet.

Clean Your Surroundings

Our toddlers of Nursery cleaned their classrooms with small brooms and mops. They also collected the bits of newspapers and paper cuttings which were scattered in their classes.

The teachers had kept various dustbins to teach them about waste segregation. Furthermore, the little ones also cleaned their tables. This activity shall instill them good habits of keeping the surroundings clean in the school and at their home too.

Father’s Day at ‘Sparkles’ – Special Class

A father’s selfless love is crucial in nurturing a child. To celebrate the accomplishments and efforts of the daddies, they were invited to be a part of father’s day celebrations at the school recently. The daddies spent quality time with their little ones in the school during which they interacted with their teachers and also participated in the various activities like fitness, music, sand play and card activity. Our gifted tiny tots of ‘Sparkles’ gave them handmade gifts too. The daddies appreciated the school’s role in creating such events as it teaches the children to value human relationships and family.
21st June is a special day when people of all ages come together and perform Yoga in different places in the world. Our little ones from Bodakdev too joined in the celebration and performed simple asanas, child pose, butterfly and frog pose with the help of their experienced educators. A small session of meditation and mantra chanting was also conducted to calm their minds in the school.

This was an initiative to teach the habits of exercise and encourage them to adopt Yoga for a healthy body, mind and soul.The toddlers of nursery thoroughly enjoyed the session, which was evident through their gleaming