Yoga is one of the most valuable gifts India's ancient traditions can offer. There is a lot more to it than just burning calories and toning muscles. In addition to relaxing and strengthening your mind and body, it is also a great workout. Yoga helps children develop balance, posture, and stamina. As a way to celebrate the rich benefits of yoga, the children at Bodakdev School today practiced asanas and postures that were made fun, engaging, and enjoyable by the teachers.
Warming up and yoga poses like standing, sitting, and lying down were the first steps of the celebrations. Some common yoga poses were taught to children, including the archer's pose, the mountain pose, jumping jacks, bowing pose, etc. Yoga teachers explained the health benefits of doing yoga daily during the session. The session ended with meditation and relaxation postures for young children. There was a lot of enjoyment among the students and staff during the entire activity.