Author Archives: mavenadmin

International Yoga Day

Glimpses of the International Yoga Day event held in Junior KG and Senior KG. This was an initiative to teach the habits of exercise and encourage them to adopt Yoga for a healthy body, mind and soul. Our little yogis thoroughly enjoyed the celebrations in the school, which was evident through their gleaming faces. We wish all our tiny tots a healthy and fit year ahead.

World Music Day

World Music Day was celebrated in Nursery, Junior and Senior section. A special table was set up wherein a variety of musical instruments like Cymbals, Rebana, Tambourine, Rebana, Jaltarang, Keyboard and Drums were displayed.

They were encouraged to play the different instruments and to listen the various sounds they produce. This activity tried to cultivate an interest in music, the celebrations ended with singing nursery rhymes, favourite songs and dancing on their foot-tapping music

Maan’s Father

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Kapil Kumar Ramchandani
Thank you so much for inviting me. It was a very good gesture. We had a perfect time. It is the first time I was spending the time looking at what my child is doing in the school with his teachers. It was a fantastic moment, and I will remember for the whole lifetime.

Viraaj’s Father

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Viraaj Bikash Mandal
It was a nice experience to spend time together with Viraaj in school. It was my first such experience, and I am grateful to the school as well as the teachers for thinking about such an occasion which is cherishable, and I will remember this forever. I want to have such events in the coming year too. Thankyou