Author Archives: mavenadmin

Smooth Transition to Primary

Bodakdev follows all the protocols laid by NCERT for preschool curriculum.
The main features that are followed
1) Parameters for infrastructure
2) Qualifications of preschool staff
3) Admission process and records
4) Coordination and conversations with parents
5) Addressing issues of each child related to early learning
6) Major goals of NCERT that include key concepts/skills, pedagogical process and learning outcomes for children

Free licensed MS Office

BSFC provides free licensed MS Office to each child during this phase of digital learning.

Some of the key benefits are

  1. Students of pre-primary can access the online version of MS Office, which includes MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access.
  2. This add on advantage keeps the child safe while working online to submit projects.
  3. It also teaches a habit of using licensed software.

Microsoft Teams based classrooms

Microsoft Teams is the best tool that enables teachers to connect and communicate with toddlers and conduct classes in a safe virtual environment.

Here are some of the features of the MS Team classrooms

Using a large gallery view of MS Teams toddlers can view their entire class and meet their friends virtually.

  1. It also makes them feel as if they are sitting in their class, and hence we provide a real virtual experience to young children.
  2. Assignments and videos are shared regularly for toddlers to practice at home.
  3. Parents can access different channels for different projects.
  4. Individual channels are created for resources and video content curated by teachers.

myON – Access to Digital Library

Bodakdev School has a tie-up with the myON-Digital library. The online library has a collection of more than 5,000 books.

Advantages of the library are

  1. Toddlers remain engaged with built-in graphics and audio support that are specifically designed for young children with pre-reading skills.
  2. Parents can check what skills and subskills toddlers have learnt, where they need help in reading, and what they are ready to read next- all aligned to age and standards.
  3. The digital library can forecast a toddlers’ growth to see if they are on the right track to become a proficient reader. Parents can catch and remediate reading issues at an early age.

Blended learning with ExtraMarks

The preschool offers a perfect blend of live classes and project-based activities for toddlers. It has a collaboration with ExtraMarks that assists young children to continue learning from home.

The Extra Marks kids learning is built on the unique concept of Tap, Learn and Play.

Here are some benefits of ExtraMarks for pre-schoolers.

  1. Extramarks kids consist of series of games, rhymes, stories and many exciting features that help in developing many skills in the toddlers.
  2. Age-Specific learning content is available in Extra Marks.
  3. The games-based platform of learning activities helps in the development of brain and creativity in young children.
  4. It keeps the young children engaged for hours.

Find out the benefits of online classes for a pre-schooler.

Do you know that in Ahmedabad, Bodakdev School is one of the best preschools and was coincidentally one of the first in the city to start virtual learning for its pre-schoolers?

The school has tech-savvy teachers who prepare each lesson beforehand.

The school with more than 300+ students who are studying in various sections of Playgroup, Nursery, Junior KG, as well as Senior KG, has been helping and guiding children virtually.

Do toddlers enjoy online classes? Is a common question that comes in our minds? Well, actually it is interesting and exciting for toddlers as well as young children.

Each online class is tailored as per the child’s age and requirement. Each day is a new day for the toddlers of each class. Age-appropriate online activities are held every day.

Young children look forward to meeting their friends and teachers virtually. Teachers innovate, reinvent teaching as well as learning methods for the pre-schoolers.

Virtual classes are designed to be a fun and productive manner for toddlers to keep in touch with the outside world. It includes live lessons with the teachers and self-study activities to be completed at home before and after each live class with the help of parents.

Bodakdev School is committed, ensuring that all students in online classes study in a safe and supportive environment, and our platform MS Teams incorporates several features that are designed to keep young children safe while they are online.

Apart from the exciting and engaging classes, there is one significant benefit of the online class for a pre-schooler is developing social skills. Man is a social animal, and he learns by interacting with others.

Online classes of Bodakdev School are the perfect solution for the young children. The daily communication with teachers, talking time, circle time, rhyme time, storytime and expression time help the child interact with teachers and friends.

The virtual classes comprise of many different types of activities that help the children to remain in touch with their friends. Storytelling using puppets, language-based activities, sessions for various activities like dance, music, basic physical exercise or games too, are held.

Creative activities too, are held regularly for young children. Toddlers are taught to use things available at home to make craft items.

In Playgroup, educational content developed by our early educators is shared with each parent. Each activity is designed in a specific area of child development to allow the child to flourish in their overall mental and physical development. Since our experts lead our curriculum for online classes, every online activity is in continuation with previous online class and helps the child to excel in age-appropriate skills. The online classes of Bodakdev are an extension of our curriculum that is used in our physical classes.

The motto of Bodakdev School shall always remain to make childhood learning enjoyable and meaningful for the pre-schoolers of Ahmedabad.

Adapting new styles of virtual teaching makes the sessions enjoyable as well as exciting for the little ones is the main reason why Bodakdev School has become the top online preschool of Ahmedabad.

For more details on our online curriculum for each class, please fill in the online form and our admission team will get back to you or visit

Keep calm and do your best

The current situation has left many parents anxious about managing their children from home as well as their offices. COVID-19 has forced all schools across the world to shut their doors for the safety of children.

As a parent, we all love, adore our kids, but do we want to don the hat of their teachers too?

Schools are closed especially preschools for an indefinite period, daycares are closed, and it seems that we have no choice at all.

Parents are a child’s first teachers, and they will have to do it for their child now.

However, it is crucial to remember that all families are different, and each family has a unique setup. Here are some tips/ suggestions that would help you to adapt to your situation.

Here are some tips from the experts to give you some peace of mind.

Don’t judge yourself as a parent.

The current situation is not to be a perfect parent. We all are humans; it is okay if we feel stressed, anxious, or pressure- and especially the days when we lose our cool as a parent. Relax! There would be times to reset and refresh your mind. Don’t lose your temper if your child has not completed his school work. Give him or her some space, and maybe today he is not in a mood and tomorrow the child may finish it all.

Your office work is also important.

In case you are working from home, you need to strike a delicate balance between your office work and your household duties. It would be best if you prioritised things. Create a schedule for yourself and your child. If required, create your own desk and work from there.

In case you have something urgent, you can always give your child screen time if you can’t attend the child and the maid is missing. There are plenty of apps available from Bodakdev School that can be used for constructive screen time. Recently the school has tied up with ExtraMarks for good quality content for young children. To know how Extramarks is helping children across India click on

Keep in touch with your social contacts.

You would be keeping in touch with your work colleagues and other friends virtually. Similarly, your child must stay in touch with his school friends, organise online playdates, video calls or google meets for your little one.

So keep yourself calm and composed and accept the new normal. Bodakdev School has counselling services for parents and children. In case you would like to speak to the school counsellor you can get in touch with her over email.

How to teach toddlers at home?

Your cute adorable chubby cherub is finally at home and is turning out to be cranky, sometimes aggressive and is becoming difficult to handle too.

The new normal has thrown new challenges for the parents of toddlers. The biggest problem parents face is to keep the little one engaged the whole day.

Here are some tips and tricks curated by educators of one of the best preschools of Ahmedabad for you to teach your toddler at home.

1) Fix up a place for online class – A place for online class helps to set the daily routine and the expectation that it is time to study. It can be the corner of your dinner table, a place in the study area or a simple folding table. Ensure there is good lighting for the child to attend the online class.

2) Collect materials that will be required beforehand

As a parent, it is your responsibility to prepare for the online class. Stationery and other things needed for the class have to be arranged. Some suggestions for things to have on the study table; pencils, sharpener, erasers, paint if required. Buy attractive boxes, stationery holders, or desk organisers. You can order online, or you can make from old cardboard at home. It is also recommended a separate bookshelf for your little one or a separate file/folder for each subject.

3) Check the school portal daily

Teachers usually provide details in advance about the next class. You can prepare the material accordingly for the class. If required, you can email and ask for information, don’t be hesitant. It would come handy when your child attends the virtual class of Bodakdev School.

4) Set a routine for online class

Many things are totally dependent on the parents, and one of the most important things is setting a routine for an online class for a toddler. Hence, it is necessary to follow a regular school routine for an online class too.

For example, please keep the same wake-up time, the same breakfast ritual, the usual bathroom routine for a pre-schooler(special focus should be on hand washing) and motivate them to get dressed for their online class. You can also encourage your child to wear their school uniform daily.

5) Plan the day

Make your child your partner and ask the child how he/she would like to spend the day. Involve the child in the day. Create  a schedule and stick it near to his eye level. Set a time for each activity. In case your child is a bit older and can do some drawing/painting independently, then you can use that time to complete your pending tasks. Setting a time limit for each task would make your day productive. Use the Pomodoro technique for effective time management.

6) Long teaching hours v/s short teaching hours

As a policy at Bodakdev School, we do not have online classes beyond 40 minutes for young children. Similarly at home too, you can break your teaching time with your child. Keep it not more than thirty minutes as your child may lose interest.

You can combine nursery rhymes or stories with exercise time. Try to engage your child in physical exercise with you. As children are at home, they must be involved in any form of physical activity. Storytelling or nursery rhymes along with exercise would be a great stress buster for you and your little one too.

7) Learning opportunities exist everywhere

Parents need to remain in touch with educators of Bodakdev School. Keep communicating and asking questions to your child’s teachers. Find out what are the key concepts in each week for your pre-schooler. Ask them how you can teach them in various ways at home. The trained educators in one of the best preschools in Ahmedabad have a vast knowledge. You should take advantage of their expertise and ask them to help you out.

8) Learning beyond Curriculum

There are many opportunities for a child to learn at home. During gardening the child can observe the plants and learn about various parts of plants, play with water and learn about water and its properties, conduct simple at home science experiments, play hide and seek, treasure hunt, sing rhymes loudly for fun, learn alphabets with using clay, make animals with dough or kinetic sand. All these activities will enhance your child’s knowledge.

9) Stay Connected with your child’s friends: The main reason why children miss their school is their friends. Try to organise virtual parties for your child, connect your child with their class friends virtually. Parents can also arrange theme-based virtual play dates and enjoy with their child’s friends. This would be a great way to stay in touch for the little ones with their buddies.

10) Every day is a new day

It is not necessary that every day is going to be a fantastic day and you and your little one are going to accomplish whatever learning activities you had planned. Don’t worry; learning at home is different. Sometimes you may be able to notice what you had taught your child, and sometimes it would take time for your child to understand and apply whatever the child has learnt with you the previous day. Repetition with toddlers is the key to success.

Learning is a never-ending process. Don’t panic if kids don’t respond or don’t learn just now. Keep a record of things you have taught to the child at home. You can ask your child’s teacher to ask your child those topics during the online class. Sometimes children feel shy or don’t want to discuss the same topic with parents but at the same time are enthusiastic to share it with their teachers in online class. You can also click pictures and videos of learning at home and share with your school. They will also become lovely memories for you. After some time, they can be a wonderful resource of your child’s learning milestones with you.

The main message from the above tips was that learning at home should be enjoyable for both parents and the child. If it becomes a bone of contentment, then you need to talk to the school about it. Right now, the most important thing for a parent should be your relationship with your child. Strike a balance between learning, time with your child and your unconditional love for your little one. Enjoy this precious time with your little darling.

Top Activities for toddlers in Bodakdev School for Playgroup (Early Child Care) and Nursery.

“Play is the highest form of research”, this quote by Albert Einstein aptly suggests what the educators at Bodakdev School believe in and so we have many activities which help the toddlers to enjoy his/ her childhood years. Pre-School is a place of adventures, growth and play-based learning for toddlers. The main motive in one of the largest preschools of Ahmedabad is to support the toddlers’ innate curiosity, eagerness to learn new things and their love of communication with their peers. The learning environment is designed to motivate interest and continually challenge the thinking of toddlers.

Here’s a list of wonderful preschool activities that are held regularly in one of the best preschools of Ahmedabad.

Sand Play Activity

Sand Play

Sand play is absolute fun and is considered a crucial toddler activity. Nowadays, with urbanisation, there are very few places where the little ones get to play in the sand. Toddlers in one of the best preschools of Ahmedabad scoop, dig, pour and sift with sand. The numerous sand toys which they get in the school help them in building their muscles and coordination. Sand play with their classmates, teaches them about teamwork, sharing and social skills.

Water Play

Toddlers of Playgroup and Nursery enjoy different types of water activities
as it is a favourite activity of pre-schoolers. Water spray, water painting, ice painting, shifting water from big containers to small containers etc. are some of the preschool water activities. All conducted in a safe environment with understanding of basic concepts of water such as volume. It also makes the toddlers understand that every action has a result. Water activities at the age from 2 to 4 are perfect for improving hand-eye coordination, physical strength too.

Sessions with Clay

Toddlers of Bodakdev School of Playgroup and Nursery are provided with good quality clay in school for their clay sessions. They create letters and make basic shapes such as square, rectangle, and circle with clay. Clay sessions are the perfect exercise for development of fine motor skills of toddlers. It also provides them with ample opportunities to interact with their classmates.

Role Play

Role Play activities in the preschool widen the imagination of the pre-schoolers. In one of the best preschools of Ahmedabad, role-play activities are conducted by educators. It helps them to understand the world around them. Recently a role play was held in which teachers had dressed up as family members to make the young ones understand the importance of grandparents and extended family members.

Creative Art sessions and craft sessions

Creative Art sessions and craft sessions

Art sessions ignite the imagination of little minds. It also gives them a deeper understanding of colours, type of shapes and also freedom to express themselves freely. Every festival at Bodakdev School has a special art and craft activity that makes the toddlers understand the traditions associated with the festival. At their age, the main focus in these sessions is to teach them sticking and pasting and encourage their creativity.

Blocks and Shape Sorters

All the different type of blocks and shape sorters which are necessary for the toddlers at this age are provided to them in their play sessions in school. This playtime improves the visuo-spatial ability of the pre-schoolers. In addition to that, it improves logical reasoning, ordering and recognising various shapes, sizes and colours around them.

Music, Dancing and Singing

All these three creative skills are taught to the toddlers at Bodakdev School. Dancing helps them to free their mind from negative emotions, whereas music and singing help them in improvising their vocabulary and listening skills. Dancing also enhances their physical movement and is a good exercise for toddlers.

Indoor Play

Bodakdev preschool has tied up with leading sports agency which keeps toddlers busy in their classrooms. Nowadays, with a lack of green area in the city, toddlers usually miss their playtime at home. During their school, they have a whale of a time with the sports educators who give them a large variety of props to play. These indoor safe and age-appropriate challenges increase their confidence as well as improve their gross motor skills too.

Sensory Play

Sensory Play

Sensory play activities are those that involve touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. It helps them to explore and investigate the world around them. Toddlers do this naturally as they can’t read or write, and they learn through activities in one of the best preschools of Ahmedabad. Young children of Playgroup and Nursery have many sessions of sense of touch and feel that helps in development of their five sense organs. For toddlers of Nursery sessions on tasting food on the basis of three categories of sweet, salty and spicy are held regularly.

Basic Board Games

Toddlers of Playgroup and Nursery are given two piece puzzles, matching colour puzzles and puzzles based on sorting animals and birds. All these puzzles with beautiful images help them to understand the beautiful world around them.

Apart from these main activities, there are several field visits in the entire year, story telling sessions, celebrations with family members and much more. We at Bodakdev School ensure that our toddlers enjoy their formative years with us.